
Tuesday, August 8, 2017

               What I did in theweekend
1.Go to my Nana's work-.Then we went to get papa                                                                        and then we went home.
3.Go to Auckland

On Sunday my dad took me to my Nana work when my Nanas was finish working me and her went to the takeaway i got a milkshake and a pie and my Nana got the same as me then we went to get my papa and then we went home. To get our gere ride to go an see my aunty in auckland she was is playing soccer she was versing whangarei sharks my aunt's Team got 20 and the other got 30 golds when the game was over me and my papa,nana,and my canison went to get McDonald's  and when went and ate the McDonald's  in the track i had big mac and a coke and my nana and papa had 1 coke each and 1 big mac then we came but to nz.


  1. WOW! That sounds like so much fun. Remember to read over your post before you post it. Thomas-Papakaio school-y8.

  2. Hi, I'm Lilian from O.I.S, nice piece of writing just watch out for spelling mistakes and maybe at a bit more detail but other than that amazing work

  3. Wow this sounds like a great way to spend the weekend. It sounds like you had a lot of fun. I also love going with my grandparents to get food with them on the weekends. Hope you have many more of these.
